The following is a transcript of a recording recovered from 20 Temple Street, which was destroyed yesterday by a rapidly-moving fire.
Q: Your name?
A: Madame Anna Rose, seer of all.
Q: Can you explain the paperwork I have on the desk here -- bank statements, stock certificates, real estate deeds...?
A: They’re all mine, honey.
Q: How much are they worth, do you think?
A: Well, I haven’t looked at stock prices today but, to hazard a guess, about $27 billion.
Q: Billion?!
A: That’s right, dear.
Q: And how did you get all of this?
A: I’m a psychic. I know what stocks will rise and I buy into them. I know what will fall, and I sell it. It’s really quite simple.
Q: Is that all?
A: Sometimes I buy lottery tickets. For a change of pace.
Q: That’s extraordinary. You’re operating here, dressed in rags in a crummy little storefront on the third floor, and you’re one of the richest people in the world.
A: Aach, I’m nothing. Some of the other psychics, they really pay attention to this stuff. You should see what they’re worth.
Q: Other psychics? You mean there’s a group of you?
A: Sure honey. And there has been for a long time. We own probably 90 percent of the wealth in the world -- every successful company, all the gold and diamonds, pretty much every worthwhile piece of property there is.
Q: That can't be true. How about shareholders? How about billionaires such as Bill Gates, Carlos Slim Helu, Ingvar Kamprad, Warren Buffet…?
A: All fronts. They’re really just managing our money.
Q: But with wealth like that you could control the world.
A: We do, dear. Every politician, every war, pretty much everything that goes on – we’re behind it.
Q: Unbelievable.
A: Hardly. What’s unbelievable is you haven’t picked up on it. We’ve been telling you for years. We call ourselves fortunetellers, clairvoyants, mind readers. But do you listen…?
Q: But if you’re so wealthy, then why do you work in this dump here, charging five bucks just to read someone’s palm?
A: Aach. It passes the time, you know? ... Oh, dear, it’s late. If you’ll excuse me, honey, I need to leave. There's a fire.
Q: Fire? Fire?? I don’t smell anyth…