Eltham (walking into a restaurant): Hey Aldie, Opequon, and Shiloh. Who else has shown up?
Opequon: Darbytown’s in the bathroom and Rappahannock just went to get a drink. Philippi and Canifex should be arriving any minute.
Eltham: Great. (to Shiloh) So, you arranged this get-together. What’s the big surprise?
Shiloh: I’m pregnant! Namozine and I are going to have a baby! In August!
Everyone: Wow!
Aldie: Brad and Angelina -- I mean, your Mom and Dad -- must be thrilled.
Shiloh: Oh, yeah. We were having dinner with Trevilian, Staunton and Wauhatchie and they came in and I told them. They’re already thinking up names. Murfreesborough, Donelson, Sumter…
Opequon: Chustenahlah, Gettysburg, Buffington … there’re just so many possibilities.
Aldie: How about Chusto-Talasah, Killdeer, Averasborough?
Eltham: Or Glasgow, Byram or Chickasaw?
Shiloh: Yeah, but we were kind of thinking of …
Opequon: Antietam? Paducah?
Shiloh (tentatively): Well, if it’s a girl we were thinking Mary, or perhaps John for a boy.
Aldie: You mean, like short for Marietta or Johnsonville.
Shiloh: No. Just Mary or John.
Aldie: What kind of names are those?
Eltham: Yeah, they’re new to me.
Shiloh: That’s what makes them so neat. They’re not your typical Totopotomy, Dandridge, or Hampton. They’re different -- they're old-fashioned names like Bill or Sally or Cindy.
Opequon: I hope you haven’t told this to your parents.
Aldie: It just seems so irresponsible. And think of your poor kid, being mocked and teased at school, just for not being named after a Civil War battle.
Eltham: There really ought to be a law….